In April of 1861, (Hayne) Klinck and Dyer once again brought down the heavy hand of the law on the miscreants of Memphis. Only this time, their arrest probably saved lives! After two garroters named Hughes and Mack were sentenced to nine years imprisonment, they decided to sing, giving up their ring leader, Deal. A man named George Fairbanks was also removed from the streets. But wait … GARROTERS?! While Memphis certainly had its fair share of violent criminals in its antebellum days, “bands of garroters” were certainly not highlighted in my 7th grade Tennessee State History textbook. And garroting, or strangling one from behind, typically during a robbery, is just so … intimate. Yuck! While there are no garroting or strangulation statistics for 1860 Memphis, there are many resources about this particular murder method for Victorian-era London. It fact, garroting was so popular, it sparked the London Garroting Panic of 1862. Although many reports indicate that the panic was mostly hype, it did spark the invention of several anti-garroting devices … and several farces, both of which I’ve shared here.
Special thanks to British author Lee Jackson from The Dictionary of Victorian London, who graciously shared the garroting images. Also thanks to Robert Wilhelm from Murder by Gaslight. Check out his site dedicated to 19th century American murders – it’s a ghastly good time! |
Do You Wish to Avoid Being Strangled?!
If so, try our Patent Antigarotte Collar, which enables Gentlemen to walk the streets of London in perfect safety at all hours of the day or night.
Are made to measure, of the hardest steel, and are warranted to withstand the grip of
Who would get black in the face himself before he could make the slightest impression upon his intended victim. They are highly polished and
Elegantly Studded with the Sharpest Spikes,
Thus combining a most recherché appearance with perfect protection from the murderous attacks which occur every day in the most frequented thoroughfares. Price 7s. 6d, or six for 40s.
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Memphis Daily Appeal, 17 April 1861 |
Goa' blimey.... !